“The Only Plane in the Sky is the historic narrative of how ordinary people grappled with extraordinary events in real time: the father and son caught on different ends of the impact zone; the firefighter searching for his wife who works at the World Trade Center; the operator of in-flight telephone calls who promises to share a passenger’s last words with his family; the beloved FDNY chaplain who bravely performs last rites for the dying, losing his own life when the Towers collapse; and the generals at the Pentagon who break down and weep when they are barred from trying to rescue their colleagues.
At once a powerful tribute to the courage of everyday Americans and an essential addition to the literature of 9/11, The Only Plane in the Sky weaves together the unforgettable personal experiences of the men and women who found themselves caught at the center of an unprecedented human drama. The result is a unique, profound, and searing exploration of humanity on a day that changed the course of history, and all of our lives.”
I have to wonder if people who were not old enough to remember 9/11 can have any concept of what it felt like to live through that day. I am extraordinarily lucky that I was not personally touched by the events of that day, and yet I doubt that anybody in America can truly say that they were not touched at all. Even if we didn’t lose someone to the horrible terrorist attacks, I think that we all felt something of the fear and anguish brought about by the crashing of four planes and the massive loss of life.
As it is, even those of us cognizant of what was happening that day have little idea of the experiences of the first responders and government officials tasked with dealing with 9/11’s events. This book admirably fills in that story by telling the history of that day through interview snippets with those who were involved. Until reading this book, I had no idea of what was going on aboard Air Force One, or the state of affairs at the Pentagon, or how it felt to breathe the air after the Twin Towers collapsed. Now I do, and I have such an appreciation for everyone who helped the victims of the attack.
This book is tough to read due to the subject matter, but I think it’s important to understand all of the moving parts on that day and appreciate the many men and women who risked their lives–or gave them–to keep America safe.